Spirit Rock at ACA

rockAbner Creek Academy and ACA PTO present our first Spirit Rock

A spirit rock is a wonderful, fun way to announce birthdays, celebrations, upcoming school events or recognize someone special and offer words of support. 

How to reserve and pay for the rock

The rock is available to rent for $20 a day. Go to signupgenius.com (https://SignUpGenius.com/go/5080A4BAEA822AAFF2-spirit) and pick the date that works best for you. Once selected,  send in exact cash or a check made out to ACA PTO.  100% of proceeds go to the PTO to be used for programs, events and in school initiatives. 

Rock Rules

  • Rental is on a first come first serve basis. Rain or Shine.
  • Daily rental will begin at 4:00 PM (the night before your sign up date) to 4:00 PM on the day of your reservation. For example, if you should rent the rock on February 2 then you may paint the rock any time after 4 PM on February 1. 
  • Renter is responsible for providing their own supplies and painting the rock. Cover prior message before painting. Please keep the area around the rock neat and clean and remove all garbage when finished.
  • No offensive words, symbols or messages will be permitted. The PTO will remove any inappropriate content. 

Recommendations and tips

Spray paint is easy to apply and will dry fast.

Ace Hardware (Hwy 101)  is offering a discount for anyone who chooses to get their paint there. Just mention you are from Abner Creek. 

If you should reserve the rock and the weather is bad,  the rock can be towel dried and the paint will adhere.  For severe weather cases , you may choose another day if one is available. We apologize that we are unable to make refunds due to bad weather. 

Some supplies to consider:  cans of spray paint for the basecoat and additional paint for your design, paper towels or rags, trash bag to collect garbage when finished, protective clothing or gloves 

We look forward to seeing your amazing works of art. Feel free to post on the PTO Facebook page to show off your designs. If you should have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at ACAPTOSC@gmail.com