vocab parade


We are celebrating our love for words by having a school-wide VOCABULARY PARADE on Thursday, March 6th. We have all read the book Miss Alaineus by Debra Frasier. It’s about a little girl that misunderstood the word miscellaneous. The little girl in the story turns her mistake around and shines in her school’s vocabulary parade when she becomes Miss Alaineus...the Queen of all miscellaneous things! This very same parade is coming to Abner Creek! The possibilities are endless when selecting a vocabulary word for the parade...a word your child has found in a book, a word from science or social studies, or a word revolving around a favorite hobby or sport your child is interested in. There are countless words to choose from! We would really like the students to challenge themselves when selecting their words...nothing too easy. Once you select your word, get creative as you design your costume. It doesn’t need to be elaborate or expensive – just use what you already have around the house! Your child has already started thinking about which vocabulary word he/she wants to use and will be bringing home a costume planning guide soon. Our parade will be first thing in the morning so your child can come to school ready to participate, but after the parade, we will take off our costume pieces so we can focus on our tasks for the rest of the day. We are looking forward to learning new and exciting vocabulary words from our peers as we host our third annual Abner Creek Academy Vocabulary Parade!

Need some ideas? Check out these websites to see pictures of other students’ costumes :

