Abner Creek Academy presents our Annual Veterans Day Program
Monday, November 11, 2024
9:00 AM*
Special Guest Speaker: Mr. Jim DiPaolo
*Doors open at 8:30. Program will begin promptly at 9am.
Please wear red ❤️, white 🤍, and blue 💙 to honor our Veterans on Monday. 🇺🇸

Our Creations Art group went on a field trip today to the Governors School in Greenville. They had a pottery class, toured the school, and ate lunch. 🎨

Congratulations to our Readers of the Quarter! 📚

Congratulations to our October Great Gators! 🐊 We are so proud of you! 💙💚

Staff members at ACA will participate in a silent auction to raise money for Children's Cancer Partners of the Carolinas. All money collected will be directly donated to help children in our area receiving cancer treatments. We would love your donations to this event! 🎄🎁
If you would like to donate please send an email to Elizabeth.Koon@spart5.net

Congratulations to our next ABCD Award Winner - Fashieka Pearson, an assistant at ACA. The nominations speak for themselves! One said - She “is a joy! She is a blessing to ACA and the children she works with! She always has a smile and a caring word for those around her!” Another nomination said: “Rock Star and, oh, so sweet and friendly. Fashieka brings a smile to my face everytime I see her! She’s a blessing to people of all ages!” Thank you for brightening all of our days!
#AboveAndBeyond #WeAreD5 #ACAgators

Mrs. Boyd and Ms. Wade’s K5 class had a fun visitor this week; A Woolly Bear Caterpillar! Students learned why some say they are “weather predictors” and they found food for it to eat on the playground. They also created illustrations and sentences about these unique caterpillars. 🐛

Our #StuCo has recently been holding election campaigns for Student Body Officers. Today, students K5-5th were able to vote 🗳️ for the candidates after watching campaign speeches electronically.
The results are in! ✅
Student Body President: Manuela Carmona Ortiz
Student Body Vice President: Ava Harper
Student Body Secretary/Treasurer: Henslee Burrell
Congratulations to ALL who ran for office - you had great posters and campaign speeches, and we are proud of each one of you!

Dunn and Sanders K5 class did some yummy 😋 math reviewing less than and greater than with M&Ms.

Fourth grade has been working with light 💡 and its properties to build a lazer light mazes in the STEM studio. Each week they faced new criteria ☑️ and needed to use previous experience to extend on their maze to improve 👍🏾their designs.

Hey ACA families! The Square1 Art order deadline has been extended to November 15th! These are great keepsakes to get just in time for the holidays. 🖼️

Congratulations 🥳 to 5th grade students Brantley Morgan and Manuela Carmona on being selected to participate in the SC Honors Choir! 🎼 This is the 2️⃣nd year in a row these two students were selected. They will participate in a concert with other students from around the state at the SC Music Educators Association Conference in February. Congratulations 🎉 to both of these students and their honor chorus director, Mrs. Sandra Hawkins. 🎶

Today Mrs. Williams’ 2nd grade class designed their own front covers of the next adventure Jasper Rabbit 🐇 might have. Then they wrote ✍️ a blurb for the back cover to give an idea of what the book might be about.

ACA will be closed Monday, November 4 and Tuesday, November 5. We will see you back to school on Wednesday, November 6!

In the STEM Studio, second graders have been testing materials to determine if they are conductors or insulators of heat. 🔥 They utilized hand warmers as their heat source. Math was incorporated to practice reading thermometers.🌡️ They will use this learning to guide them in designing their popsicle coolers.

Ms. Corrie joined Mrs. St.Clair’s class for a snack time sing 🎶 along! 🎸

We need your help hosting our very own ACA 🐊 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! 🌆 Help us design balloons to hang along the walls of our parade to go with the story Balloons Over Broadway. See details on the graphic.
**Note: This is an optional at-home activity.**

Mrs Grube’s 1st grade class hosted their 4th grade Gator 🐊 buddies in Mrs Morrissey 4th grade. This month the big Gators helped their little Gators work on reading skills. 📚 They also modeled fluency and read to them. The two classes did a fabulous job!

Braxton from Mrs. Morrisey’s 4th grade class chose to read 📕 to Mrs. Blackwell”s 1st grade class as a reward. His sister loved seeing him!

Our Pre-K class has been reading A Very Busy Spider this month! 🕷️