Attendance Policy
Attendance is taken in each class. A student must be present in each class to be marked present for that class.
For example if a student is present for First Period and Second Period and has early dismissal at 11:30 they will not be marked present for Third or Fourth Period.
In order to receive credit for a class, the student must be present the required minimum number of days. The SC legislature mandates that credit for courses be denied if students’ absences exceed the following limits:
More than three (3) Type II or Type III absences in nine-week courses
More than five (5) Type II or Type III absences in 18-week or one
semester courses
Please reference the student handbook (pages 23-24) for what is considered a Type II or Type III absence.
When a student returns to school in order for an absence to be considered an excused Type I absence, proper documentation will need to be provided. Please reference the student handbook (page 23) for what is considered a Type I absence and corresponding documentation.
For all other questions regarding attendance please refer to the student handbook (pages 19-25) or contact the school attendance clerk, Ashley Vickers.
Tardy Policy
Types of Tardies
Excused Tardies—students arriving to school with proper documentation for medical, dental, court appointments, etc.
Unexcused Tardies—students arriving late to school without proper documentation.
Students will be counted absent if they report to school after one third of the class period is over. Parent and health notes concerning tardies must be presented on arrival.
School Tardies
Any student arriving after 8:15 am will need to report directly to and sign in at the attendance office before reporting to class.
Classroom Tardies
Students who are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings are classified as tardy. Tardies to class will start over at the beginning of each semester.
Classroom Tardy Consequences
Tardy to 1st or 2nd period - 10 minute lunch detention per period at the beginning of lunch on the day of the tardy.
Tardy to 3rd or 4th period - 10 minute lunch detention per period at the beginning of lunch on the next day.
Failure to attend lunch detention - ISS
For all other questions regarding tardies please refer to the student handbook (pages 38-39) or contact the school attendance clerk, Ashley Vickers.