About Us
Our Mission:
The mission of Reidville Elementary is to provide every student quality educational experiences in a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment, enabling each individual to succeed in life and function as a productive citizen.
Our Vision:
Reidville Elementary School will pursue exemplary educational opportunities and academic excellence in order to improve the quality of life for our students and community.
Our Beliefs:
We believe that…
Children are our most valuable resource
Public education is essential for our society.
Integrity is the basis of good character.
Excellence is achievable.
Mutual respect is an expectation.
Knowledge empowers.
Diversity strengthens.
Family is the foundation of society.
Children need positive role models.
Attitude makes a difference.
Learning is a lifelong process.
Personal responsibility serves the common good.
Perseverance, work ethic, and interpersonal skills pave pathways to success.
Creativity and innovation are valued
Stewardship of resources maintains trust