ACA students, mark your calendars!
Next Friday, November 17th, we will host our 1st annual S.P.A.R.K. Day of the year during school hours.
S.P.A.R.K. stands for Showcasing Professionals and Reaching Kids.
As part of our magnet school initiative, we have invited professionals from across our community, state and nation to speak with our students about how communication and leadership have positively impacted their careers.
Come to school on Friday, November 17th dressed YOUR best -
Everyone is encouraged to dress in a way that makes them feel good for S.P.A.R.K. Day. This does not mean that you and your children need to shop for anything new. We encourage our students to find something that makes them feel comfortable, confident and proud. This could be a favorite dress, new shoes, a special headband, etc.
Get up.
Dress up.
Show up.
Never give up.
Get excited about local professionals sharing their careers with our little learners!
#MagnetSpotlight #WeAreD5 #acagators #magnetmoment

Our Girls on the Run Team did their Mock 5K today! They were able to do their 5K on the grounds of the new Abner Creek Middle School with a route mapped out courtesy of Mr. Dean, the principal of ACMS. They will run a 5K with other #GOTR groups from Girls on the Run Upstate SC mid November! Way to go, girls! #WeAreD5 #acagators

During the month of October, 4K learned about pumpkins. They examined the inside and outside of pumpkins, created their own pumpkin 🎃 patch, and made process art with pumpkins.

A reminder of our upcoming long weekend!

All Veterans are invited to attend! A reception for Veterans will follow the program.

Congratulations to our October Great Gators!

Please label outer garments!


Our School Improvement Council (SIC) met today! Thank you for serving our school!

Our #StuCo was hard at work Friday afternoon serving our school with their monthly Custodian Appreciation Day!
#WeAreD5 #acagators

Check out these cute giraffes 🦒 made by Miss Anderson's art class!

#redribbonweek Day 5: Board Game Day! We had some very creative game ideas!

Today the District celebrated the Support Employee of the Year from each building. Congratulations again to our 2022-2023 Support Employee of the Year - School Resource Officer Christian Ruiz!! Thank you for all you do for our school!

#redribbonweek Day 4 was so much fun! We 💙 Disguise Day!
Day 5: Board Game Day! Dress as your favorite game or game piece.
#WeAreD5 #acagators

4️⃣th grade tech club students are learning how to make stop motion videos this week. They built their backgrounds, determined the moving parts, and took the pictures to create a video! 🎥

#redribbonweek day 3: Unity Day: Wear Orange as a district to celebrate inclusion and kick off the bullying prevention program.
Thursday’s Dress: Disguise Day. Back by popular demand! Wear your sneakiest and mischievous disguises! Hats, sunglasses, camo, etc.

#redribbonweek Day 2: “My Role Model”. From teachers and principals, family members, coaches, and everything in between, our students have great role models to aspire to be!
Wednesday Dress: wear orange for district wide unity day! We will celebrate inclusion and kick off our district wide bully prevention program.
#WeAreD5 #acagators

These students will perform with a group from around the state in Columbia on February 10, 2024!

May we all remember how important and special we are each day! ❤️ Enjoy our words of encouragement Mrs. Lyda’s 4th grade students wrote to all of our friends!
#WeAreD5 #acagators #lifeissweetatACA #BeKind

We 💙 Cheer Cart! Thank you, PTO!