Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Terrific Kids! We are so proud of you! 💚💙 #WeAreD5 #acagators #TerrificKid
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
From Ms. Crow: These handsome young men delivered the yummiest coffee to me this morning to K5 Hall.  Their communication and leadership skills were on point letting me know how much I owed and told us to have the very best day.  What great ACA Gators!  Thank you, boys! #WeAreD5 #ACAgators #ServiceWithASmile
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
Congratulations to Abner Creek Academy on receiving an 🎉EXCELLENT🎉 rating on our SC State Report Card for the 2022-2023 Academic Year! The staff celebrated today with Biscuitville for breakfast. #WeAreD5 #ACAgators #ItTakesAVillage
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
sc state report card
K5 had a great field trip to Gray Rock Farm! 🚌 🎃 🚜
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
Our new, student-led Unified Club started their PE buddies program this morning. We are excited to partner with Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools this year to promote inclusivity at ACA! 💙💚 #WeAreD5 #acagators
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
District 5 celebrated the 2022-23 Teachers of the Year tonight at a banquet. Congratulations again to Laurel Maseha - thank you for representing us well!
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
teacher of the year
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
hat day
A huge thank you to Jackson and Cooper for taking care of our flags every day! 🇺🇸
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
Our kindergarten classes had a visit from Pelham-Batesville Fire Department today! They were able to learn parts of the fire truck 🚒 and talk to the firefighters 👩🏽‍🚒 about their jobs. 🧯Thank you for coming, Pelham-Batesville! #WeAreD5 #acagators #community
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
fire truck
Congratulations to Mrs. Logan Sturgis, 4th Grade teacher, on being named the ABCD Award winner for September! Logan was nominated by a team member saying she “is always a great friend and a shoulder to ‘cry’ on”. Thank you, Mrs. Sturgis, for always going above and beyond for the people around you! #WeAreD5
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
teacher of the month
Teachers participated in a professional development during the half day to learn AVID strategies to apply WICOR and increase rigor in the classroom. #TeachersLearnToo #WeAreD5 #acagators
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
It’s SOCKTOBER! Check out Student Council’s Service Learning Project and make note 🗓️ of upcoming CraZY Sock 🧦 Days!
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
student council
Empowering Parents: Parent Workshop Night will be held October 17th from 6:00-7:30. ACA will host several parent workshop sessions to choose from ranging from school safety to helping your child with reading. It is strongly encouraged that this be a parent only event so that everyone can get the most from the sessions. Check out the sessions and sign up here:
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
empowering parents
empowering parents
2nd graders will take the CogAT and IOWA assessments on the following days: Oct. 10 -12 (CogAT) Oct. 17-18 (IOWA) Letters were sent home to families last week with information regarding both tests. There is nothing your child needs to study/practice before testing. Things you can do to help your child include: *Encourage your child to do his/her best. *Make sure your child is on time for school. *Make sure your child is well rested during the testing period. *Your child should either have eaten breakfast at home or at school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
2nd grade testing
Kids in Lidz for Cancer Partners of the Carolinas!
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
cancer partners of the Carolina's
Congratulations to our September Great Gators! 🐊
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
great gator
great gator
great gator
great gator
great gator
great gator
great gator
A huge 🎉 THANK YOU 🎉 to our PTO for hosting an awesome Grandparent Breakfast week! We have one more day tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
Fourth Graders created their own silent films 🎥 in Literary Arts! Thanks to a donation from ACA PTO, they are enjoying viewing parties complete with popcorn 🍿 and drinks🥤 to watch and appreciate each other’s movies. Great work, 4th Graders! 🎭 #WeAreD5 #acagators #MagnetMoment
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
literary arts
literary arts
literary arts
literary arts
Mark your calendars! 🗓️ Remember we have no half day preschool or the ACA after school program on half days.
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy
early release day
What a great start to Breakfast with Grandparents with our K4/K5 students! Thanks for coming!
over 1 year ago, Abner Creek Academy