June 28, 2023
Spartanburg District Five leaders presented proposed attendance line changes, to begin in the 2024-25 school year, for the first time in a scheduled Board of Trustees meeting on M...

June 28, 2023
Abner Creek Academy and ACA PTO present our first Spirit Rock
A spirit rock is a wonderful, fun way to announce birthdays, celebrations, upcoming school events or recognize...

June 28, 2023
A part of the Abner Creek Academy family since 2008, it's clear Melissa Fowler's blood runs Gator green! Fowler takes over the role of Principal of Abner Creek, after serving as ...

June 28, 2023
We are so excited to announce the newest member of our Gator Family! Mrs. Lakesha Austin will join Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Cotter on the admin team for the 23-24 school year as our...