Moana Jr

Our drama production of Moana will be held in mid March. Our production staff and students have been working hard to give an amazing show. Each year we offer t-shirts for our school family. Our shirts this year are extra special, as they will feature our cast and crew list on the back!

Our drama student's shirt is included in their drama fee. However, we will also be opening up our Moana shirt order to the public! If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for you or your family members in time to wear for our show, please be sure to fill out the form and send in your payment (cash or check) to the front office at Reidville Elementary. Shirts will be on sale for $20.

Your order and payment MUST be in no later than Thursday, February 13th. Extras will NOT be ordered, so please be sure to submit and pay for your order on time! Shirts will be delivered to the school the week of March 10th.

(If you have trouble with an electronic form or do not have access to Google Forms, please send in cash or check with the sizes you need as well as your student's name and homeroom to Ms. Bright in the front office.)