Good morning! We are already half way through first quarter. Interim reports (Mid Terms) were emailed to parents/guardians and students today. If you did not receive yours please update your PowerSchool Information either electronically using your Snap Code, or through the guidance department.

Perform with the Byrnes Color Guard at the Tournament of Bands on Saturday September 30th! See attached flier for the upcoming Color Guard Spin Clinic presented by the Byrnes High School Color Guard. For all 5th-8th grade D5 students!

Our Garden Club will be holding a Chick-fil-A breakfast fundraiser Friday, September 22nd.

Good morning! This year D.R. Hill will be sending out a monthly newsletter to parents. If you did not receive it in your email or if your email has changed, here is the link to the September edition.

Our afternoon tutoring program, TAP (Tiger Academic Program), will begin the week of September 11th. Students can stay after school and receive extra help from certified staff on various assignments. Students do not have to be signed up, but must have a ride by 4:30 pm. TAP meets Monday-Thursday.

It was a great day at FCA on the Hill. Our 7th graders and 8th graders joined together to hear a word from Pastor Derek Henderson and a college/career challenge from our own Dr. Hepfner.

Reminder - NO SCHOOL Monday, September 4 in observance of Labor Day.

Mrs. Hughes' 8th grade math class investigated the relationship between the edges of squares and cubes before learning about perfect squares and cubes. For the last picture, early finishers in Mrs. Hughes' 8th grade math class compared their answers and had deeper conversations when their answers didn't match.

Wear gear to support your favorite college on Friday, September 1st.

AVID Strategies can be found across the Tiger campus. Mr. McCullough and Mrs. Howard's ELA class have been using WICOR strategies in the classroom. Earlier this week, students used Cornell notes to organize information. Today students collaborated with classmates to play a game reinforcing the lesson.

Mrs. Kay and Mrs. Lyles’ students learned about perfect squares and applied their knowledge of perfect squares in the school garden. The students prepared the garden by marking each square foot to identify where each vegetable will be planted in our school’s raised garden beds.

The Garden Club will begin meeting after school on Thursdays from 3:30-4:45pm starting August 24th. If you are interested in joining, check out the Garden Club Tab and submit your application.

There's nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come! https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A07574750

We are so excited to introduce this year's amazing staff! We are blessed beyond measure to have such a great group of people.

School to home communication is vital to a successful school year. In an effort to keep everyone up to date, we have multiple communication platforms. Check them out!

Day 3 of school and our students are already immersed in hands on learning! Dr. Norungolo’s Class is learning all about compost.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: We are collecting Box Tops for Education this year. This is a great and easy way to raise money for our school.

Introducing our first FUN-raiser for the school year - POPCORNOPOLIS. All sales are digital and items can be shipped directly to an individual or the school. Students earn money for sales and the winning homeroom earns an incentive.
Register and share today!!

Anyone interested in joining the Fishing Team please come to a meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 6:30 pm at Wellford Baptist Church in the sanctuary.

Any girl (7th-12th grade) interested in playing golf needs to email Coach Brooks by the end of this first week of school. You must have a physical and online paperwork completed in order to come out for the team.
The email is arthur.brooks@spart5.net