School Start & Dismissal Times
Abner Creek Middle School hours are from 8:15am - 3:20pm.
Students need to be in their class and ready to begin instruction at 8:15am.
Dismissals, whether car rider, bus rider, walker, or other, begin promptly at 3:20pm. Please be sure to collect your student on time.
Early Release Half Day Dismissal
Half day dismissal time is at 12:00pm for middle school.
Early Dismissals
If you are needing to get your child early from school, all early dismissals need to be done before 3pm. We will not be able to get any child after 3pm for early dismissal.

School Attendance
Attendance is a team effort - parents, students and all faculty and staff at ACM help in ensuring every student attends school.
Healthy children MUST ATTEND SCHOOL, it is a STATE LAW
What do I do if my child is sick?
1. Keep them home (
2. Email the Abner Creek Middle School Attendance Secretary Nikki Thomas
3. If your child goes to the doctor, please send in the doctor’s note
4. If you don’t take your child to the doctor, send in a parent note (PN). You can print and complete this form, Parent Note.
Every child is allotted five (5) PNs per semester, after which, the child must provide a doctor’s note to be in compliance with the SC Truancy law
Additional Attendance Resources