Science Focus

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In Thinktank, 1st - 4th grade students engage in scientific thinking and practices while using the 21st Century Skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication to learn about science and how it relates to our daily lives. 


Meet Mrs. Carson, Thinktank Teacher

My husband Charlie and I live in Landrum with our four dogs, two chickens, pet snake, and bearded dragon. We enjoy walking the dogs, riding our bikes, hiking, jogging, and working in the yard. We are passionate about conservation and try our best to set good examples of responsible stewardship every day.

I began my public school teaching career in 2001 at Wellford Academy. I enjoyed teaching 2nd grade for five years and then landed my dream job working in the science lab. I also work with the gifted and talented students each week. I greatly enjoy what I do and look forward to learning with the fabulous students at WA everyday!

I enjoy teaching science because I have always been curious about the world around me, especially the natural world! Ever since I can remember, I have felt happiest outside turning over rocks in search of slithery, slimy, or creepy-crawly creatures. I’ve spent many hours climbing trees, observing the textures, colors, and patterns of bark and leaves. Countless summer days have been lost to wading through the waters of streams and lakes trying to catch bullet-fast minnows or corner quick-thinking crayfish. I am fascinated with organisms and how they interact with each other and their environments. I enjoy sharing my love of living things with others, and hope to help children understand what treasures are waiting to be discovered right outside their doors!