Other Title One Information for Families

Highly Qualified Faculty

Please note that all teachers paid with Title I funds at Wellford Elementary School hired on or after July 1, 2002, meet the highly qualified requirements. Also, instructional assistants paid with Title I funds at our school who were hired after January 8, 2002, have:

1) completed two years of study at an institution of higher education

2) obtained an associate's (or higher) degree; OR

3) met a rigorous standard of quality on a local formal academic assessment

Lastly, instructional assistants paid with Title I funds hold a secondary school diploma or its equivalent.

At Wellford Academy, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the teachers and instructional assistants who instruct your child. Professional qualifications include:

● Licensing criteria for the grade level/subject areas in which instruction is provided.

● The baccalaureate degree major.

● Graduate certificate or degree held and the field or discipline of the certification.

● The qualifications of teacher assistants, if the child is provided instructional services by them.

A parent who wishes to inquire about the qualifications of his/her child’s teacher or instructional assistant should make a written request to the school principal. The inquiry may address only the qualifications listed above.

Parent Comments

Comments and suggestions made by parents are important to the planning, design, and implementation of Title I school-wide programs.

A.) Parents who wish to provide comments and suggestions regarding our Title I plan should forward these to the school principal.

B.) Responses may be given by note, newsletter, or email.