PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. It is a group of teachers, parents, and family members who volunteer their time and talents to support the school, our teachers & staff, and our children.
Our volunteer group plans various events and activities for students and families. One of those events is the Fall Festival! Another thing we do is help fund the large field trips that the 3rd and 4th graders take each year. We also encourage and serve our teachers on in-service days to help show them how much they are appreciated.
To be able to do all these things, PTO organizes fundraisers to help cover the cost of these special activities. We also promote Box Tops for Education, Shoparoo, and Coke Rewards to earn even more money for our school! All money that PTO earns goes directly back to support our school in some way.
But PTO isn’t only about raising money. What’s the most important thing we do? We are parents and family members who volunteer our time to show our children that their education is important.
Won’t you join us? No matter what your interests and availability, we are sure there is an opportunity for you to help benefit our school and students.
If you’re interested in helping out our school in any way, you can contact us at
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook!