District Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parents/Staff, please review the District Title I Parent and Family Involvement Policy and let us know if you  think it meets our needs as we work together in educating our children. 

Send your comments/suggestions to :

Spartanburg District Five Schools  

Attn: Karen McMakin 

P.O. Box 307, Duncan, SC 29334 

Or email  karen.mcmakin@spart5.net 


Parent and Family Engagement - LEA Written Policy for 2024-2025 (English Version)                                      

In order to meet the requirements regarding parent and family engagement, Spartanburg District Five Schools will: 

1. Involve parents in the joint development of the LEA plans and the process of school  review and improvement by: 

a. Including parents on the School Improvement Councils to review the policy.          

b. Convening annual meetings to inform parents of the schools’  participation under the Title I, requirements, programs, and their right to be involved. 

c. Recording observations and comments in the minutes of annual school meetings. 

d. Providing opportunity for parents to review the federal regulations by making them available at the annual meetings and at the schools. 

2. Provide coordination, technical assistance, and support to schools for effective parent  involvement by: 

a. Providing parent educators and employees who will provide coordination,  technical assistance, and support to schools for effective parental involvement.  

b. Providing a parent/family literacy program which strongly supports the Title I  program through collaboration with district office staff, PTO’s, school improvement  councils, and ACT 135 committees. 

c. Providing ongoing in-service for all school parent educators on  programs and means of effectively involving parents. 

d. Ensuring that parent/family educators have been trained in a program like Parents as Teachers and Born to Learn from the PAT Foundation or Triple P  (Principles for Positive Parenting). 

3. Build the schools’ parents’ capacity for strong parent/family involvement by: 

a. Working directly with families, teachers, administrators, and support staff in  helping students reach the goals established by the district. 

b. Encouraging volunteering, PTO attendance, workshop attendance, and  participation in surveys. 

c. Providing opportunities for program planning for teachers and principals through  meetings and/or questionnaires. 

d. Using findings from needs assessments to assist schools in planning for parent/family engagement.

e. Conducting needs assessments to determine services needed by parents to  facilitate engagement. 

4. Coordinate and integrate parent/family engagement under this program with parent involvement under other programs as determined by the schools. 

a. Using parent educators in helping families in need of services provided by the  district and/or other county and state agencies. 

5. Conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content  effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy to determine: 

a. The effectiveness as to increasing parent participation; and 

b. Barriers to participation as noted in section 1118 of the law: 

Use parent surveys and parental attendance at meetings and workshops as a  means to determine effectiveness and barriers to parent participation. Use parent  survey and SIC review of parental involvement policy to determine how to  increase the involvement. 

Involve parents in the activities of the school served under this part by: 

♦ Conducting annual Title I meetings. 

♦ Conducting Family Nights. 

♦ Conducting Parent/Teacher conferences that address test results, the district  annual report and the school report card. 

♦ Providing parenting classes. 

♦ Keeping records, such as minutes of SIC Meetings and responses from parents  on surveys. 

♦ Providing feedback to parents on findings at the annual meeting and/or by  newsletter. 

6. Use such finding to design strategies for school improvement and revise, if necessary,  the LEA and school parent and family engagement policies by: 

a. Meeting with schools to share information and making revisions as necessary.      

b. Providing feedback to parents on findings at the annual meeting and/or newsletter.

c. Analyzing information, suggestions, etc. from parents to determine if revisions are  necessary.