Final score of the girls' game! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Congrats ladies!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
girls update
Mrs. Harper's ELA class is preparing to write their own personal narrative stories, so students evaluated what makes an interesting beginning. They then did a gallery walk where students looked at beginnings from different stories to use as inspiration for their own writing.
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids reading mentor texts
kids reading mentor texts
kids reading mentor texts
kids reading mentor texts
kids reading mentor texts
Spirit Week Day 1 = Hat day!! 🎩 🧢 👒 Don't forget to dress like a friend tomorrow for Twin Day! Every student who dresses up receives a point for their house!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
kids in hats
Our girls travel to D.R Hill today! Good luck ladies! Go Wolves! 🐺
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
volleyball game announcement
Updates from our Athletic Department.
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
athletic newsletter
Sturgis’ scientists used their knowledge of thermal energy to build shelters to save “penguins” from rising temperatures. 🐧
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
kids planning the experiment
heat lamps on penguin houses
📣Fundraiser Update!!!📣 Don’t forget, the House with the most valid emails sent by 6 pm Sunday evening will earn an additional 100 House Points!! Plus, we have 40 GOLDEN TICKETS remaining to be handed out on Monday! As it stands right now,: 💜Spirit Wolves lead with 384 emails 🤍Arctic Wolves = 348 🧡Ember = 298 💚Timberwolves = 296 🖤Shadow = 283 💙Thunder = 277 💛Golden = 252 ❤️Crimson = 193 It’s still a close race, so if you haven’t already, be sure to register and send your 10+ emails TODAY!!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
fundraiser image
Today our PTO treated staff to a tailgate lunch from Salsaritas! What a fun way to end the week! Thank you so much PTO!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
PTO group picture
teachers getting lunch
teachers getting lunch
teachers getting lunch
teachers getting lunch
teachers getting lunch
teachers getting lunch
You read that right! The 2025 yearbook is on sale now 🤩 order your copy early this year so you don't forget!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
yearbook announcement
From pretzels as “crunchy clouds” to sour patch kids that “burst like fireworks in your mouth,” Mrs. Quinby’s class explored figurative language while sharpening their language skills in a super fun and tasty way.
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
kids eating candy
Mrs. Bo and Mrs. Quinby’s GT classes are joining forces to collaborate for book clubs. Today students explored the book choices and began to choose their top 3 choices.
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids in collaboration room
kids in collaboration room
kids in collaboration room
kids in collabortaion room
kids in collaboration room
kids in collaboration room
kids in collaboration room
Mark your calendars for our early release day!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
early release day reminder
Tonight was our football program's first win in school history! Congrats to all the boys and the coaching staff for such an awesome win on the road at Rainbow Lake!!!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
football team results
Smile!!!! Tomorrow's Friday and we had another amazing week at ACMS!!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
kids working on computers
We had our first ever FCA meeting today! We had a great turnout and Pastor Chandler Davis from Church at the Mill spoke to our students. Join us next week on Wednesday at See You at the Pole at 7:30!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
FCA meeting
So proud of our 7th grade team and how hard they played yesterday against Rainbow Lake!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
football score
Our girls did it again!! 5-0! Go Wolves! 🐺
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
volleyball score
Mrs. Ohler's 6th grade music class combined rhythm reading, performance, and composition today using boomwhackers! Groups assigned rhythms to each scale note, practiced and performed, then they were able to arrange the notes and rhythms however they wanted to create their own song. So much fun!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
kids in music class
kids in music class
kids in music class
kids in music class
kids in music class
kids in music class
kids in music class
Today is a big day for our student athletes!! Good luck to all of you! Go Wolves!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
volleyball Announcement
football announcement
TOMORROW will be the LAST DAY for your student to turn in their GOLDEN TICKETS for registration prizes! If you haven't done so already, be sure to register and load 10+ emails TONIGHT! All details are on the yellow flyer that came home yesterday, and in the email we sent yesterday. Please register TONIGHT so you don't miss out on those awesome GOLDEN TICKET registration prizes! Thank you in advance for your support and participation! Go wolves!
6 months ago, Jennifer Linkous
fundraiser image