Watershed Ecology Center came to teach 6th grade scientists about conductors and insulators in a program called “The Heat is On” this past week! What a great way to do even more hands on science!

Students in Mrs. Bo's class ended the week with a fun problem solving task called “Operation Save Fred”. Students worked together in groups to problem solve, collaborate, and work towards the end goal of saving Fred. Together students generated a plan, put their plan into action, and revisited steps and procedures when adjustments were needed. The goal was teamwork, communication, and learning from mistakes.

Students in Mrs. Bo's class ended the week with a fun problem solving task called “Operation Save Fred”. Students worked together in groups to problem solve, collaborate, and work towards the end goal of saving Fred. Together students generated a plan, put their plan into action, and revisited steps and procedures when adjustments were needed. The goal was teamwork, communication, and learning from mistakes.

Mrs. Harper's English class made informational graphics about a book genre of their choice. They were focusing on creating visual information through color choices and icons, collaborating with others, and presentation skills.
Congrats our info graphic winners with their tiny trophies 🏆(voted best overall info graphic and presentation)!

Mrs. Ohler & Mrs. Loving's combined adaptive music class got to visit band today to learn about brass instruments. Mrs. Crutchlow and her 7th graders played several songs for them to sing and play their rhythm instruments with, and they enjoyed hearing the different sounds their instruments made!! 🥁🎺🎷

Girls in 7th and 8th grade... on September 10th there will be a lacrosse interest meeting at the Byrnes Cafeteria from 6:00-7:00! We hope to see you there!

Check out that spirit! 📣
Our ACMS cheerleaders are all smiles and all heart! 💙🩶

Yes ladies!!!!! We are so proud of you! This season is off to a great start!

It's game day for our football teams today too! They take the field at Gaffney Middle at 6:00 and 7:30 against York. Go Wolves! 🐺

It's Gameday!
The Wolves will travel to Fairforest Middle today! Good luck ladies! 🐺

News from our Athletic Department! Go Wolves!

Please make note of our updated football schedules! We hope to see you there! Go Wolves! 🐺

AVID + College Colors = a fun Friday! 🎓🥳
We are so proud of our students for having a growth mindset for college and career!
We're also thankful for our teachers who are always ready to make an impact on the lives of each and every student that walks our halls each day!
#gowolves #AVIDday #collegecolors #ourfutureisbright 🕶️

Mr. Watson and his AVID elective classes celebrated AVID Day! Shout out to the 8th Grade AVID class and Jacobi Hanna and Madison Webb for leading AVID pledge!
More pictures of our day to come!

Ladies and Gentlemen, tomorrow is the last day to turn in applications to audition for Disney Mean Girls Jr.
Don’t miss out on being a part of a fun show. Please make sure you get the application to the theater teacher or one of your core teachers. We look forward to seeing you at auditions!

The results are in and our Lady Wolves won in their scrimmage tonight against Gable Middle! Way to go ladies!! 🙌🏻🎉

Today was a HOT one so our football teams spent some time inside training in our new fitness center!
We can't wait to see them at their scrimmage tomorrow at !

Friday is AVID Day!
In celebration of this, students are invited to wear their favorite college colors or military branch logos! Students will also be learning the ACMS AVID pledge created by the students in our AVID elective class. 
Wondering what AVID stands for? It stands for "Advancement Via Individual Determination" - something we believe in at ACMS!

Today is the day!
ACMS vs. Gable!!
We hope to see you there!

Today in Mrs. Sturgis' Science Classes, students learned about the arrangement of particles in each state of matter with an experiment! 🧑🔬👩🔬