Gifted & Talented Services

Academically Gifted and Talented
District Five’s Gifted and Talented Academic services are designed to meet the needs of academically gifted and talented students in grades 3-12. Students in Grades 3-6 are either served in a special class for GT students or through a pull-out model. Both models strive to challenge students to apply their knowledge, to think creatively and critically, and to use problem-solving skills. Middle school and high school students are served through honors courses in one or more core subjects and/or Advanced Placement courses. These classes are differentiated to meet the needs of academically gifted and talented students and are taught by teachers who have the GT endorsement as part of their certification or who are currently working to acquire the endorsement. Our district's vision is "to inspire students to discover their potential, pursue their passions, and shape the future." The GT programs in District Five are in place to meet the unique needs of gifted and talented students and to support them in their journeys to personal and academic success.
The Identification Process
As part of the screening process, all students in Grade 2 receive a group-administered aptitude test (Dimension A) and a group administered achievement test (Dimension B) in October or November. Placement is determined by receiving 96 or higher on a national age percentile composite/total score on CogAT or by meeting state-mandated criteria in at least two out of three dimensions. Based on intellectual abilities and achievement, students may also be referred by teachers, parents or themselves for identification as participants in the program in Grades 3, 4, and 5. Students, who are referred, participate in a group-administered aptitude test (Dimension A) in October or November. All students have opportunities to qualify through achievement testing (Dimension B) throughout each school year. Beginning in Grade 6, a GPA of 3.75 at the end of the previous school year is also considered as part of the identification process in Dimension C. In addition, students meeting the required minimum standard of 93rd percentile in Dimension A (Verbal, Nonverbal, Quantitative, or Composite) or the minimum standard of 94th percentile on iReady/ 90th percentile on the state assessment (Reading and/or Math) in Dimension B, but not in both dimensions, will participate in Performance Task Assessment (Dimension C) in February. Parents of those students who are identified for the Gifted and Talented Academic Program will receive notification prior to services beginning.
Referrals for students are due in late September, and referral forms can be obtained from a school counselor, this website, or by calling the Spartanburg District Five Schools Administrative Office at 864- 949-2350. A referral form is not needed for students in Grade 2 since all second graders are automatically screened as part of the district’s testing program.
Download Referral Forms Here:
Artistically Gifted & Talented
The Artistic Gifted and Talented program of District Five is designed to meet the needs of students who have been identified as artistically gifted and talented in the area of visual arts. The Artistic Gifted and Talented program, or the Creations program, serves identified students in grades 3-5. The Creations program emphasizes the use of higher level artistic and creative skills and allows artistically gifted and talented students to further develop and explore their abilities in an after-school small group setting. Entrance into the Creations program is based on artistic abilities and achievements in the area of visual arts. Identified students in Grades 6-12 are served in Advanced Art classes and AP Art.
Students may be referred for screening by teachers, parents, or themselves. Referral forms are available from your child's art teacher or at the links at the bottom of this page. They are due by the opening of the next screening window. Placement into the program is determined by meeting state-mandated performance criteria in a student-created portfolio. Students can be referred and screened in Grades 2-5. The screening takes place during two screening windows each school year, late fall and late spring. As part of the screening process, students will develop a portfolio of their art work to demonstrate their artistic abilities and knowledge. A portion of this art work can be completed at home, while the rest must be completed at school. These portfolios will then be scored by qualified art educators who evaluate the portfolio in the areas of:
Use of Color
Expressive Qualities
Students whose portfolios receive a state mandated qualifying score will be invited to be a part of the Creations program. Parents of students who are referred for screening will receive final notification of the results of the screening. Students who do not initially meet the qualifications for admittance may be referred and screened multiple times. Each school sets their own meeting dates and times for Creations. Please contact your child's art teacher for your school's specific Creations schedule. Please call Matthew Wofford, Director of Fine Arts, at 949-2350 if you have any questions concerning the referral or screening process.

Academic Contact:
Karen McMakin
Director of Federal and Gifted Programs

Artistic Contact:
Matthew Wofford
Director of Fine Arts