Message From The Superintendent

Welcome to District Five Schools of Spartanburg County! Our district has a rich heritage of excellence in every aspect of educational and extra-curricular endeavor. We are one of the top performing districts in the southeastern U.S. in academic achievements, as well as programs in the arts, leadership, choice magnet programs, technology and innovation.
Our excellence is validated by ratings from federal and state accountability systems, and also from AdvancED, the international academic accrediting agency. That continued excellence is also the reason we are one of the fastest growing districts in the state of South Carolina. Families move into our community because of the high quality of our schools. Our district is being rapidly transformed through the presence, and arrival of many large international corporations, the international airport, the world class parks and recreational facilities, and exceptional neighborhoods. We are proud to be the brightest fabric woven through this vibrant international tapestry, and are committed to serving children and their families in world class schools. With the influx of major high tech manufacturing and multi-national retail tourist destinations, it is an exciting time, as we watch our area change daily.
Our academic programs offer students the opportunity to not only earn a diploma from one of the finest high schools in the country, but also earn college credit through our nationally recognized Advanced Placement program or dual credit through local colleges and universities. We offer a myriad of options from virtual learning, to placement on a college campus beginning as early as the freshman year in high school.
District Five remains dedicated to its focus on educational excellence. As we aim to meet the SC Profile of the graduate, we want to produce knowledgeable citizens who will energize and build our economy. Our graduates excel in the skills needed to succeed: written and oral communication, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurialism, collaboration, initiative, and adaptability. Each day, we strive to be the best we can be, knowing education is the greatest investment we can make in our children. It will, indeed, open doors of opportunity for each of them.
Randall Gary, Ed.D.